Wednesday 19 March 2014

Asp Gridview Render the header row as thead and tbody

Asp Gridview Render the header row as thead and tbody:


                When setting the property UseAccessibleHeader = true, it replaces the<td> elements of the header row with the correct <th> which means table header. It also adds the scope property of these header elements making them more accessible.

C# code:

      //This replaces <td> with <th> and adds the scope attribute
      gvtabledetails.UseAccessibleHeader = true;

      //This will add the <thead> and <tbody> elements
      gvtabledetails.HeaderRow.TableSection = TableRowSection.TableHeader;

      //This adds the <tfoot> element. Remove if you don't have a footer row 
      gvtabledetails.FooterRow.TableSection = TableRowSection.TableFooter;

Reference Link:

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